Lutheran Services Carolinas is affiliated with the Lutheran Church, but serves all families and does not require a statement of faith. Families do not need to be Christian to foster with Lutheran.
Lutheran Services Carolina serves the entire state. Lutheran licenses both therapeutic and non-therapeutic homes. Lutheran will place non-therapeutic children with their therapeutic siblings in a home licensed as therapeutic in order for siblings to remain together.
Lutheran TFC (Therapeutic Foster Care) homes require 32 recertification hours to be completed within the 24-month licensing period in order to maintain license. Lutheran non-TFC homes require 30 recertification hours to be completed within the 24-month licensing period in order to maintain the license.
Lutheran does not require daily documentation for non-TFC children placed in any of their licensed homes, whether the home holds a TFC or non-TFC license.

Foster Home Licensing Agencies in S.C.
Select the region and then county to display agencies in your area that can help you with the licensing process.
Pee Dee