Thinking about fostering?
Awesome! If you are someone who wants to advocate for the reunification of children and their parents or extended family, that’s great! You will be a great foster parent! If you are more interested in adoption, that’s not a problem! South Carolina has children who have a plan of adoption, but no family has been identified for them. We’d love to have you apply! However, just be aware that if your goal is adoption, that is adoption…not foster care.
Currently, the need (whether fostering or adopting) is for families who want to be a blessing to children between the ages of 7-17, and/or larger sibling groups of 3 or more.
Once you know whether you want to apply to foster or adopt, submit your application online by clicking the “Start Application Process” button.
After the initial application is submitted, you will be contacted about the next steps. If you prefer, you may register for orientation before submitting your application to get more information.
After you’ve completed both the application and orientation, you are ready to get moving forward! You will learn the details of the foster home licensing process and the adoption approval process in Orientation, however, below is a glimpse of what’s involved.
- Provide documents such as drivers licenses, birth certificates, social security cards, marriage licenses, divorce decrees and complaints, military discharge papers, etc.
- Fingerprints and background checks
- Medical exams for all household members
- Fire and safety inspection of the home
- Pre-service training classes
- LOTS of paperwork
Thank you for your desire to serve children in need and their families.
We look forward to working with you!
The only reward for love is the experience of loving.
Being a Foster or Adoptive Parent isn’t easy and it isn’t for everyone. But, if you have a Heartfelt Calling to Make a Difference in the life of a child, it will be the most rewarding experience you will ever have.
The only reward for love is the experience of loving.
Foster A Teen.
Save A Future.
These kids have a message for anyone reluctant to foster teens.
About Us
Heartfelt Calling, a program of the South Carolina Foster Parent Association, is the first point of contact for anyone in South Carolina wanting to start the process to become licensed as a foster home or approved to adopt with DSS.
For questions or to begin the process, call 888-828-3555 or email

Jack's Story
Siblings taken into foster care, separated by adoption – closer than ever. Teens in foster care CAN have happy endings and new beginnings.
To protect ALL PARTIES INVOLVED, we keep all information private!
For information on becoming a foster or adoptive parent:
Phone: + 1 888-828-3555
MON-FRI 8:30AM - 5PM
Already a foster parent?
For information on training, support or other services:
Phone: + 1 803-865-2020
MON-FRI 8:30AM - 5PM
To start the process of becoming a Foster or Adoptive Parent in South Carolina, please click the below Blue Button!
To ask general questions about our Association or Process, please use the below form.
It is the policy of the South Carolina Foster Parent Association not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability.